.A Sun Behind a Branch, a Collection of Thoughts,
by Julia Duclos (Poetry, 2024).
A book to be read in one go, as if you were listening to a song. The rhythm is broken at the end of each chapter, only to start again with the same beat. In a spiral, the poems are whispered, giving voice to thoughts, conversations, doubts and a deep love.​​​​​​​
A Sun Behind a Branch was the title of a rough drawing made inside a dream. In 2D, the scene (drafted in pencil), had a message for me: it was a real space created by the mind.
When can we hear ourselves? The world starts to spin around us when we stop to observe it.  Writing in the morning is an exercise: still fresh from sleep, we haven’t fallen into the trap of repetitive thoughts. In motion, who has never wanted to pull the emergency cord?
In this small collection of minimalist poems, I come to count time; attuned to a space created for a truthful conversation in a low voice.
Julia Duclos
A collection of interconnected poems and sketches. with three chapters: “The Songwriter," “The Sculptor," and “The Artist".
HELMET, a Bunch of Poems, by Julia Duclos
"The prize for those who create is being able to do it. This book is about creation. And all that entails—including pressure and pursuit. That flame will haunt us. And burn. Until the process is completed, be silent. We let the energy flow through us. When released, this silence will run, and it will start making its own particular noise. Will be amplified. But we’re not going to stay in the hall waiting for reactions; the process will be restarted. If you could choose, would you still choose it? The boundary between creator/creation is blurred.
We are like a “bunch” connected to a source—accomplices in the mute pride of the task undertaken. We visit each other in the common space that belongs more to this source than to ourselves. “Helmet, a Bunch of Poems” is for all those "who dream" this world."
Julia Duclos
*"Overlap", Opening art of "Espresso 5" - -> "I want more! " ! Meet the author
​​​​​​​~You just know that it's up to you.

ESPRESSO 5 ~ Notes of Blue. An image fixed behind the eyes. Whispers. An ink incident. Words. The poems are part of the artistic process: scraped in a toned sketchbook: The number 5.
Editorial Reviews
."When, three years ago, Julia Duclos created stunning illustrations for a book of mine, I could tell that she was a fine artist. What I didn't know then is that she's also a gifted writer in her own right. Her book Espresso 5 includes short, haiku-like poems that surprise a reader, yet instantly ring true!" —  Lawrence Weinstein, Author of Grammar for a Full Life
Customers Reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
 "Julia offers a window into her creative process, capturing it into fleeting images and words that flow, taking us along for the ride. An artist creates new worlds, sure, but more importantly, allows us to see our own world through a different lens, showing angles we haven't even considered before. The book is filled with sketches that, instead of exposing the everyday life, dresses it into a haze, turning it magical and giving it new dimensions.(...) "  — Daniduc / NL
 "It’s a beautiful book that should be bought in paperback because it belongs in the real physical world." —  Rick J. / DE
Espresso 5: Notes of Blue' is a soulful poetry chapbook. The artworks and words are authentic, raw and seem to come from a place of love. There are intriguing dreamy artworks that are stunning, paired with short relevant lines of poetry, which makes this book a great read! A dairy-style art and poetry book! It is definitely worth it!   —  HighVibe / US
"Julia creates magic with words and drawings. They are - as she is - unique and inspirational and rewarding of repeated attention. I love what she does. I can sum up my feelings for her work in two words: More, more!" — ​​​​​​​Jeffrey Agrell / US
** Mention on the featured poetry section of the website POETS GARDEN Alchemist
Look inside, order your copy and let me know:
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note: your review matters to me and to the book! TY!
What do you collect in your diary? Small shells? Insects? Sketches and footprints? Petals, leaves, and letters?

“The Fire Beetle” is a story gathered during long walks and hand-painted with the eyes of the heart. In search of a home for a glowing friend, Robin heads in the opposite direction from the holiday crowds.

By changing the direction of our steps and our thoughts, we can uncover new adventures.
Look inside, order your copy and let me know:
Julia Duclos (Juh D)
Ink Drawing Artist
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